Oppose PIIC Municipal Water

600-800 gm wells and treatment plant

1/9/20232 min read

West Lakeland will not be getting a municipal water system but does the PIIC intend to sell water to other surrounding communities?

The PIIC has submitted an application to transfer their West Lakeland land from fee to trust and the BIA filed a Notice of Intent in Jan 2021. Several West Lakeland residents submitted an appeal to the application citing concerns about effects to local well water levels and potential effects to the Valley Creek Brook Trout stream and as of Feb 1 2023 the application has not yet been approved. Even if/when it is approved and no longer subject to West Lakeland ordinances, the trust must still follow federal laws and regulations including environmental impacts.

Full plan documents: Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Plan

This supposedly official “final plan” still references concept of PIIC supplying water to neighboring communities.

Final Plan August 2021 https://3msettlement.state.mn.us/projects/investing-east-metro-drinking-water/full-plan-documents-conceptual-drinking-water-supply

Appendices A-D https://3msettlement.state.mn.us/sites/3msettlement/files/2023-02/Appendices-A-D.pdf

pg A-23

The Prairie Island Indian Community (PIIC), which is located in Goodhue County, Minnesota, owns 111 acres of undeveloped land in West Lakeland Township on the northeast corner of Manning Avenue and I-94. The property in West Lakeland Township is intended to be a housing development. PIIC has submitted an initial site plan indicating a proposed 80 residential lots and 11.67 acres for commercial development. One existing irrigation well on the property has a 12-inch casing pipe and an estimated capacity between 600-800 gpm (0.86 – 1.15 mgd). (mgd = million gallons per day)

Pg D-22 Proposed Projects

89 Prairie Island Indian Community - Lake Elmo

Create a new regional public water system through interconnects with neighboring communities: This conceptual project would connect Prairie Island Indian Community to Lake Elmo’s municipal water system. This option would require that Lake Elmo extend their water lines out to Manning Avenue. A new water distribution system would also need to be installed to convey Lake Elmo’s water.

90 Prairie Island Indian Community - Lakeland

Create a new regional public water system through interconnects with neighboring communities: This conceptual project would connect Prairie Island Indian Community to Lakeland’s municipal water system. In the case that Lakeland became a regional water supplier that supplied West Lakeland, Prairie Island Indian Community could connect to Lakeland’s municipal water system through West Lakeland’s infrastructure. This option will require a new distribution system in West Lakeland as well as in Prairie Island Indian Community for the future development.

91 Prairie Island Indian Community – West Lakeland

Create a new regional public water system through interconnects with neighboring communities: This conceptual project would create an interconnect between Prairie Island Indian Community and West Lakeland. Prairie Island Indian Community could supply water to West Lakeland. A new water distribution system would need to be installed to convey the treated water in both communities. A new well in Prairie Island Indian Community would also be needed to provide redundancy for a centralized treatment and distribution system, and the wells would need to meet Minnesota’s Well Code. This would require a new distribution system in West Lakeland as well as in Prairie Island Indian Community for future development.

92 Prairie Island Indian Community - Woodbury

Create a new regional public water system through interconnects with neighboring communities: This conceptual project would connect Prairie Island Indian Community to Woodbury’s municipal water system. However, Woodbury’s municipal water system would require treatment and the extension of their water distribution system lines. Additional wells within Woodbury may also be required to meet Prairie Island Indian Community’s demands. The challenges associated with this option would be the installation of water lines across the Manning Avenue and the I-94 interchange.